Tuesday, 17 July 2012

That Introductory Post...

Hello readers!
Or reader, that is, if either of my parents are even reading my blog, as I can only assume that as one of the billions of blogs on the internet, the chances of me getting any traffic at all are miniscule.
That said, hello mum, dad ;)
This blog has no real aim, reason of existence or cause; in fact, its only real cause is for me to possibly practice my writing skills and or let off stress or worry I face in my juvenile, and relatively uncomplicated and unmarred life attending an upper middle class private school in the outer suburbs of London, as well as fend off cloying boredom.
By now you are probably thinking "Those bloody 14 year old girls clogging up blog websites with their stupid, petulant problems, and bitching about other 14 year old girls- back to Facebook I wander."
Understandably, a blog with a vain and selfish purpose and no real aim is probably not the most exciting, as no one wants to know or cares what goes on in my head. I shall henceforth give this blog an aim- to give the general public an insight into daily life through a frustrated yet charming and intelligent (one would hope) teenaged girl's eyes.
I might write about this sort of thing:
Politics and Current Events
Music (both my own and that of others)
Food (Massive foodie. Not in the literal sense, just obsessed with eating.)
Musings of society and the world just generally.
Often,as a teenager, I do (quoting my father) "talk a great load of rubbish" the vast majority of the time. Lets just hope it's mildly entertaining.

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